
After leaving the corporate world, Jacqueline Luckett took a creative writing class on a dare, from herself, and never looked back. Since then, Jacqueline has written two novels: Passing Love, a featured Book Pick in Good Housekeeping magazine (February 2012) and Searching for Tina Turner, Essence magazine’s January 2010 book-of-the-month selection. Jacqueline’s screenplay adaptation of Passing Love is an Official Selection of the 2024 Essence Film Festival.  She is currently working on a third novel focusing on the Bay Area in the 1960s and a play about family relationships. Her essays/short stories have appeared in The Best Women’s Travel 2011 and Volume 12, the Huffington Post, A Literary Cocktail Party, and Kweli Journal. Jacqueline received her MFA in Creative Writing/Writing for the Performing Arts from the University of California Riverside/Palm Desert. The native Californian lives in Oakland and travels frequently to nurture her passion for photography, good food, and finding another place to captivate her heart as much as the city of Paris.

Jacqueline’s work in Kweli Journal, HERE

To contact Jacqueline, please send an email to writerluckett1@gmail.com

To connect with her on social media, HERE